Monday, August 20, 2007

Tagged: My 7 P's

I was tagged by Bill Watson, so here we go --

Pooka - Adorable, big, red, fluffy dog. Also, the giant 6 foot rabbit and all other forms of Pookas.

Pets - Pooka, 3 lovely cats, peaceful pond fishes and jumpy frogs.

Peace - No more war!

Paranormal - UFOs, Zooforms, ghosts, along with all unexplained weirdness.

Pixies - Part of the paranormal, part of the fairy realm. I am sure there are some out in my yard somewhere.

Procrastination - Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow, or next week, or next month?

Pirates - Specifically Johnny Depp. Yummy!

Now I am suppose to tag 5 others. I will be nice and tag people I haven't tagged before, but anyone who wants to is welcome to consider themselves tagged. Also, if you are tagged and don't wish to do the 7 P's that is perfectly fine.
Instructions: Fill out the 7 P's and post them in an entry at your own blog.
Tag 5 blogs that you read on a regular basis.
Link back to the blog that tagged you

1) Barkfoot
2) Michael Whitt
3) Nolocontendere
4) Eric Swan
5) Jeremy Vaeni

1 comment:

Barkfoot said...

This one is a tuffy, 7p's, I will have to have a good think about it. I'll be posting in due time.