Friday, June 13, 2008

Alfred spikes another one over the net!

Contrary to the belief of some, most people do understand Alfred. Maybe those who don't get it need to examine themselves rather than Alfred's writing.
UFO Magazine - Letters - Alfred spikes another one over the net!


Alfred Lehmberg said...

Thank you Lesley!

I suspect most of those who don't, won't, not because they can't, but because they shan't, eh? [g].

Thanks again for the kind notice.
>> AVG Blog --
>>> U F O M a g a z i n e --

ericswan said...

Just between you and me, I like poetry but Alfred's artistry exceeds all expectations. The one problem I have is figuring out whether Alfred believes in UFO's or is a sceptical open minded person waiting for confirmation. At any rate, he is well worth the read even if his message is lost in translation.

Alfred Lehmberg said...

To be fair, though, the comment was regarding the prose, not the prosery.
