For some reason the news peeps are going crazy over that Stephen Hawking story. I guess it is because he said aliens probably do exist, but then made it sound that they would have no reason to explore and visit earth -- except to conquer it. Anyhow, I do have some other comments about that at UFO Mystic. After all, can't miss out on the big media alien story.
I did a bit of work on a new website today. It is all Regan's fault because she started a new typepad blog - Cafe Esoterica, for her podcast. That made me long for something webbie to do. I have already played with typepad, so I thought it was time to come up with a new website with a blog. I hate to admit it, but I am using click and build because I don't want to spend that much time on it, but I may get really into it and use real software. One of the reasons I am not is that I only have iWeb software on this computer, which I have played around some with and didn't really like. Anyhow, it is called Menagerie of Mystery. Still working on it and tossing around ideas about it, not yet ready for prime time yet.
I do finally have my dentist appointment today! Please send me your good vibes and hopefully it won't be too bad. Thanks!
I'm sending my very tired good vibes to you.
My vibes, being sent!
Good vibes comin' your way!
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