Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Regan!

I want to wish a BIG happy birthday to Regan!!! She has the whole weekend to celebrate and I hope she does!

My blogger layout is screwed up, but after checking the message board I find that I am not the only one. The layout page only loads about half way, so you can't add anything to the bottom of the sidebar and bottom of the page, it stops right where my new little feed count widget is. Hopefully they will fix it soon.

Finally got to watch Michael Clayton last night. It was really pretty good. I could easily imagine big business going to such extremes to hide their findings on products causing cancer and death. We all know that has happened in real life so there is no stretch of the imagination needed.

Not much going on around here. Trying to get on an earlier schedule so I can enjoy the nice weather and get more done during the day. So far Sandman is not cooperating, but I keep trying.


Alfred Lehmberg said...

"Regan, waving gleefully from her limousine during the huge parade, was looking much younger than her 29 years..."

...And hey! I usually jump to "Danny Brenton's Oddnesses" from here every morning to see what kind of "good news" he had to share in the "cyber-meantime," you know... and what do you know?

No Danny!

Wo bist der Moor-teufel?
>> AVG Blog --
>>> U F O M a g a z i n e --

nolocontendere said...

Michael Clayton was very good, just excellent movie making expertise on display.

Regan Lee said...

Thank you lesley and Alfred. (29 years, ha!)

I haven't seen Michael Clayton yet but am looking forward to it. On the list for sure!