Saturday, April 26, 2008

UFO Mag Stuff

Bill Birnes will be on Geraldo live tonight. I don't claim to know for certain what time Geraldo airs because I am not a FOX viewer, but I hear it is 8 pm (est). I suggest checking you local listings since I am not entirely sure of the time.

New stuff going on at the UFO Mag blog - a new site members discussion area. I had to think about that one for a while because I didn't want a bunch of hateful people posting their crap. However, I have noticed by the comments that most people who visit the blog are truly interested in the subject of ufos and nice people as well. So we will see how that goes. To become a member you need only send me an email with the user name you wish to use. My email addy can be found on my blogger profile page.

There is other new stuff at the ufo mag blog -- I update sightings, letters and photos pretty much daily. Also, if you click the sightings archive you will find that sightings are arranged by states so you can find the ones in your area. Hopefully soon we will have some posts on the guest blog as well.

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